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Halloween Art Competition



This contest is CLOSED!


Contest Moderators: [Stephen] & [Nioniel]

Please read the [#RULES] and the [#THEME] before entering!


1. No stolen art. Images must be created by Elftowners and posted here by the original artist.

2. Tracings and paint-overs are not accepted. Referencing is fine, but if a large part of the image is referenced, please post the reference picture used along with your submission.

3. Old art allowed. Old pieces of art are allowed in this contest, provided they have not already been submitted to another official Elftown Contest. If your art has been submitted to an unofficial contest, then you are still free to enter it here.

4. Each member may submit two (2) entries.

5. All images must be uploaded to Elftown. To upload your image full-size you can use the feature 'Upload a folder of images' that is shown on your house.
This feature allows you to upload one, multiple images or zip-files in their original size to a wiki page.
Once you click this link you can follow the instructions. See also uploading images.

6. Subject matter: Images that depict graphic violence, pornography or other disturbing actions will not be accepted. Only images that fit the [#theme] will be allowed.

7. Medium: All media except photomanipulations and animated GIFs, will be accepted. This means you cannot use a photomanipulation, even for the background.

8. Vote-mongering: Asking people to vote for you is not allowed. You may ask people to vote in the poll in general, but not specifically for you.

9. Queries: If you wish to discuss something about how the contest is run, or the rules, then please use the official contest forum: <forum:Elftown contests>! If you wish to bring up a query about whether a certain entry fits the theme, please speak up before the entries make it to the polls. You can still speak up even after the contest is closed, as long as the polls have not yet gone up yet. Complaints received after the aforementioned will not be considered valid. However, if you wish to query whether an entry is stolen art or breaks any other rules, you may still bring this up after the poll has been made.


Theme and deadline

What will we be expecting?
The theme is: Halloween!
-Anything Halloween related!
-Monsters, Jack-o-lanterns, trick-or-treaters, costumes, candy...anything you can think of that relates to Halloween!

The deadline of this competition is 10th Nov 2014
The judging will be done by TBA

There will be up to two winners. Winners and participants will receive the following badges:

<img:img/new/DonnorDArthalloween1.gif> <img:img/new/DonnorDArthalloween2.gif>


Halloween Art 14, Page 1


To view the entries from previous years, see: Halloween Art Competitions

Go or return to:
- Elftown Halloween Competitions
- Halloween Poetry Competition
- Festivals
- Competitions

Username (or number or email):


2006-10-25 [Dirty DaVinci]: Good luck to everyone!

2006-10-25 [EmeraldGrizzly]: Same, good luck all.

2006-10-30 [Sunrose]: The poll is up on Mainstreet!
The poll contains 12 images instead of 10, because there was a tie between 4 entries :)

2006-10-30 [moira hawthorne]: Wais hail!!!

2006-11-02 [The all powerful Midori]: ok i came on elftown late so I didnt get to see the poll :( so....where do I go if I want to see it???

2006-11-02 [Lothuriel]: Mainstreet

2006-11-02 [moira hawthorne]: The winners of the Elftown House Art Competition will be announced after Halloween!

the winners for the Halloween art are up on main st now

2006-11-02 [EmeraldGrizzly]: They are? *runs back to look again*

2006-11-02 [EmeraldGrizzly]: *ish sad*

2006-11-14 [Nightfall]: yeah. that'd be awesome as well

2007-09-22 [Sunrose]: This contest has been opened for 2007 entries! :)

2007-09-23 [XxTsomexX]: I'm working on one ^^

2007-09-27 [Angelic nightmares]: I got the perfect Idea

2007-10-22 [Jeccabee]: oooh I have till this Thursday to finish mine! better get crackin! 

2008-04-16 [BinaryPhoenix]: When will this contest open for 2008 entries?

2008-04-16 [Kyrinn]: I dont think this page is current right now. You can check competitions and look and see what is open. :D

2008-04-16 [Calico Tiger]: It'll likely be open for 2008 entries as we get closer to October again :D

2008-09-12 [Linderel]: Not open yet, though I suppose it should be opened for entries soon. The deadline was put there ahead of time in anticipation of this year. :)

2008-09-12 [kamisch]: Ah okay, thanks!!! :)

2008-09-12 [Angelic nightmares]: So this years theme is just halloween? Or will that change?

2008-09-12 [moira hawthorne]: likely the council hasnt had time to get to this yet...

2008-09-17 [Calico Tiger]: We are, actually, in the middle of getting this set up, hehe! Just deciding on what the theme will be, if any particular one :) Hopefully by the end of today or tomorrow at the very latest.

2008-09-18 [Angelic nightmares]: yay

2008-09-18 [XxTsomexX]: awesome!! I should have much inspiration with me working at a halloween store!! XD

2008-09-18 [Lothuriel]: I added the wiki link for the art submissions, hope that was ok. 

2008-09-18 [moira hawthorne]: fairly open theme...

2008-09-23 [Tynuka-Rhytishy]: Yay. I'm glad. There'll be more of a range of different types of entries.

2008-09-23 [Daisy le Fleur]: *haunts*

2008-09-23 [Tynuka-Rhytishy]: Ahh.

2008-09-23 [J. "dragonruler" Rouse]: Though no way of entering a submission yet...

2008-09-23 [Linderel]: Erm? Yes there is.

2008-09-24 [J. "dragonruler" Rouse]: Wow, completely overlooked that. Thank you!

2008-09-30 [jaraden]: wish i could contribute... halloween art is right up my avenue...
stupid no scanner!!!!!!!!!!!!

2008-09-30 [moira hawthorne]: you can take a photo ... a scanner is almost the same... just different technogy... it takes a 'photo' of the image on a flat bed...

before scanners all art was photograghed for publication

2008-09-30 [jaraden]: yeah, true enough, but i also don't have a digital camera... i am throwrted yet again..


2008-09-30 [moira hawthorne]: ok than you are just gonna have to visit here b/c I have both! =p

2008-09-30 [arthemis_]: May I do a 3 dimensional piece? Like with polymere clay?

2008-09-30 [Jitter]: Sure. I guess ^^ Will have to ask again!

2008-10-01 [jaraden]: har har.. well they say my flight will be this coming monday.. if i can halt that i will, if not then i may just take you up on that offer moira.. har har!

2008-10-03 [jaraden]: hmmm.. i think i WILL enter this competition.. yar-har.. seeing as i'm now NOT getting kicked outta the UK, i reckon i aught to dust off the old pencils and get back to work.. i've already got a good idea.. must make it dark enough so that the bleeding scanner here at the library will pick it up... GRRRRR..

don't know quite how i'll actually go about entering the image(s) into the contest, that part fubbles me up something fierce, but i'll cross that troll guarded bridge when i get there...


2008-10-03 [moira hawthorne]: see ... how do i? ... ofcourse

2008-10-03 [jaraden]: i'll check that out ONCE i'm done the drawing (s).. gonna trod back home and get down to work.. tee hee!!!!

if i run into any trouble.. i'll pick all your colective brains clean for the info!!


2008-10-03 [moira hawthorne]: *lines up zombiee fodder in front of me as a shieldwall*

2008-10-03 [jaraden]: lumbers off to draw...


i love zombies!!!!!!!!!

moira, do you remember when both 'dawn of teh dead' and resident evil 2 were being filmed in toronto???
i could have been an extra in both.... stupid ex!!!!

wanders off with a zombie-esque limb...

2008-10-03 [moira hawthorne]: oooooh cooooool.... ive never been an extra... tho ive seen several movies being shot around town and the GTA... zombiees would make excellent art of this contest... maybe an idea would be to turn your favourite character into a zombiee for halloween!

2008-10-03 [jaraden]: NO... there should be a contest DEVOTED solely to zombies... it'd be brilliant!!!!!!!!!!!!

sweet.. your a freaking genius moira!!!!

2008-10-03 [moira hawthorne]: should I make one? want to parnter up?

2008-10-03 [jaraden]: not at the moment, wait till after halloween.. it'd be too cliche then.. after october i will TOTALLY team up to make on...

~Zombies contest~
bring your brains here!!!!


2008-10-04 [moira hawthorne]: ooooooh I thought we'd run an 'unofficial' halloween contest.... and what wrong with cliche??? it could be massively fun... want to see everyone's favourite toons as zombiees!

2008-10-04 [jaraden]: sweet.. god, could you imagine bugs bunny chewing elmer fudd's arm off or something...


i love zombies!!

2008-10-04 [Lothuriel]: That's a cool idea Moira!!

2008-10-04 [moira hawthorne]: yesyesyes! old style toons... anime... even online gaming toons... whatever turns your crack...

thx Loth

2008-10-04 [jaraden]: i'm with lothuriel there moira.. great idea... zombie toons!!!!

2008-10-04 [moira hawthorne]: ok we are gonna have two zombiee contests... one by loth is original characters... and mine has to be fanart... we want to see your favourite character turned into a zombiee!

One Day At Band Camp... I Become a Zombie!

2008-10-04 [jaraden]: nice, now i've got four things to work on.. this competition, the two zombie ones AND my ever growing book...

that's it, i'm becoming a reclusive hermit...

goes off to find his shack up in the woods...

2008-10-04 [moira hawthorne]: ha! you are co host in the fan art one1 =p

2008-10-04 [jaraden]: sweet... i'd love to co-host...

been a co-host once for a talent contest way back in the day.. with my brother... good times...

still that does mean i gotta get my lazy ass back into the swing of doing some good art again...

must think of something witty...

brain hurts.. so does my back.. coincidence.. i think not..


2008-10-04 [jaraden]: what's the page called???????

must go check it out...

2008-10-14 [jaraden]: running out of time... i'm done one of the images.. just gotta keep plodding away so i can get it to the quality where i can scan it in here (library scanner sucks)... then it's a matter of submiting it..
but i'll figure that out when i'm done..

har har!

2008-10-15 [wicked fae mage]: I am a bit lost as to how I enter my image in the competition. Can somebody please dumb it down for me?

2008-10-15 [Ramirez]: Upload it to Elftown, and then copy the image URL by right clicking and then going to 'copy image address' then go to where you want to paste the item, press 'paste' then put < IMG :your url here > around it without the spaces. Also, help gives a much better explanation than me. =P

2008-10-15 [wicked fae mage]: Thank you^^

2008-10-15 [Ramirez]: You're welcome.

2008-10-15 [jaraden]: good lord, i'm gonna be SO screwed when i try and upload mine.. none of that made any sence what-so-ever!!!

is a retard!

2008-10-15 [Jitter]: It's easy ;) I'd do it for you but I will just help you so you can learn :D

2008-10-15 [Ramirez]: You is not retarded, I'm just bad at describing such things as uploading art. lol

2008-10-15 [moira hawthorne]: best way to learn is to go to how do i? and than compare what you are doing to what other people are doing on wikis

2008-10-17 [jaraden]: yup, i suppose.. almost done the first image.. hopefully the scanner here does it justice, then it's a matter of uploading it, then i'll have to figure out how to submit it to this compition... ohhh fun fun.. i'm aiming for this coming tuesday for that mammoth effort..


2008-10-19 [WestFactor]: This is one of my favorite ET contests!

2008-10-21 [jaraden]: hopefully today i'll be able to upload my art and contribute to this fine contest.. just not sure how.. hmmm

2008-10-21 [jaraden]: right, this had BETTER freaking work... or i swear.. death to you all!!! (i mean these bloody computers)...


2008-10-21 [jaraden]: yeah, take some of that!!!

2008-10-21 [Paul Doyle]: Fight back with TP, rotten eggs, shaving cream and ignited Silly String . . . and then run like hell?

2008-10-21 [Lothuriel]: That is friggin' awesome!!!!

2008-10-21 [arthemis_]: Very neat [jaraden], only the picture is in the wrong place :) You need to go to the entry page (see link above the comment-box) and then edit that page by adding the link to your picture there.

2008-10-21 [Lothuriel]: If you need me to add it for you [jaraden], I'd be happy to.

2008-10-22 [Daisy le Fleur]: omg seb its fkn awesome dood! lol I love it.

2008-10-23 [MisLuck]: Jaraden LOVE your pic! It's absolutely halloween, it's perfect! That's the halloween I'd live if we would have such a thing. ^^

2008-10-23 [Jitter]: Go to Halloween Art 08, Page 1 hit "Edit this page" which can be found on the right column. Then post your image after the last one posted just like you posted it in the comments section Seb :)

2008-10-23 [Lothuriel]: [jaraden] I went ahead and added yours just in case. I didn't want you to miss the deadline. If you decide you don't want it to compete or if that was not your intention, I can take it back down for ya.

2008-10-24 [jaraden]: nah, thanks Lothuriel!!!!! here i thought it'd be a simple matter to submit something, hell to make a wiki page was a marathonic undertaking for me... i'm clueless..
what i need is my own personal IT advisor, yeah, that's what i need.. preferably a hot chick IT advisor, but beggars can't be choosers i suppose!
har har!!!

2008-10-24 [jaraden]: by the way... THANK YOU you guys for all your praise!!!! i'm glad you liked the drawing, i was gonna do another one with a huge monster dressed up as a child/ baby trick-or-treating.. but i couldn't be bothered to ink or colour it... i'm soooo lazy! but seriously, thank you guys for your kind words!!!


2008-10-25 [Paul Doyle]: I'm a casualty of a giant case of art block. I'm working on my picture now, but there's no way it'll be ready in the next 45 minutes.

2008-10-28 [jaraden]: well i hope it worked out for you, nothing like a deadline to keep an artist on one's toes.. har har

2008-10-31 [kyuuketsuki-chan]: kool drawing ^_^

2008-10-31 [Lord Dog]: Congrats, Jaraden and Deeterhi

2008-11-01 [Mom]: Congrats [jaraden] and [deeterhi]...your work is flawless.*Hugs*

2008-11-01 [Jitter]: Congratulations!

2008-11-01 [jaraden]: wow...

does the thriller dance!!!

thanks guys and to all who voted for me... just between you and me i had no expectation of winning, too many great pictures to choose from!!!! but seriously.. thanks you guys!!!!!!!!!

dances off looking like a prat!

2008-11-01 [moira hawthorne]: Eirikr's school put on a play and 3 classes of kids danced in mostly zombiee costumes to Thriller!

2008-11-04 [jaraden]: nice!!!!!!!!!!

jsut gotta be done on halloween!!

hums 'thriller' to himself and starts dancing in the middle of the library!

2009-09-06 [Alexi Ice]: This contest to open on Monday.

2009-09-06 [XxTsomexX]: :D niiiice!!!!!!!

2009-10-02 [jaraden]: has it been a year already??? good grief!!! i'll have to see if i've got the time to do another submission!!!! nice!!! can't wait to see what gets featured this year!!!

2009-10-02 [XxTsomexX]: I'm almost done with mine :) the W.I.P. is on my page..

Just needs color now :)

2009-10-03 [jaraden]: nice!!! can't wait to see it dude!!!

2009-10-08 [Vou]: entering.

2009-10-13 [jaraden]: sah-weet!!!!!

2009-10-21 [Cillamoon]: I'm so excited to see everyone's entries!

2009-10-21 [Alexi Ice]: The ones we have so far are very beautiful.

2009-10-21 [Alexi Ice]: psssst - Halloween Art 09, Page 1 ^^

2009-10-22 [jaraden]: sweet, i GOTTA check em out asap!!!! is pretty excited too to be fair!

2009-12-01 [arthemis_]: Congratulations!!!

2009-12-01 [Chel.]: Anyone know the art poll link so I can view it?

2009-12-01 [Triola]: <poll:77109>

2009-12-01 [NOOOPE]: Ok, so, I have no idea what happened. Nehirwen was the clear winner, chel-chan was in second, and both of them tied for crew fav. I'm sorry for the confusion. I'm doing my best to fix everything up.

Official results for those who are confused:

Nehirwen: 41 votes, 15% of total votes
Chel-Chan: 29 votes, 10% of total votes
Nevermore.: 24 votes, 9% of total votes

Crew Poll: Chel-chan and Nehirwen tied with 3 votes each.

Sorry for the confusion.

2009-12-02 [Alexi Ice]: What? I just checked it yesterday. What DID happen?

2009-12-02 [Chel.]: It was....sort of like that the whole time... :/

2009-12-02 [Kaimee]: Perhaps you read 24 as 42 (and therefore the winner) Akane? Oh well, no harm done now, the news has been fixed up and thankyou to [NOOOPE] for spotting the error! :)

2009-12-02 [Alexi Ice]: ...>> Crap...>> *Disgraphic* Thank you, M!!!

2009-12-02 [Kaimee]: And congrats to Chel, Nehirwen, Nevermore, and everyone else who entered :)

2009-12-02 [Alexi Ice]: I second that!

2009-12-02 [Chel.]: Thanks Kai :3

2009-12-02 [Kaimee]: No prob, you guys deserved it! And chel, I still want to see that picture expanded to include a pretty dress :P

2009-12-02 [Chel.]: Ack! I know! This semester has only a week and a half left! I'm out after Dec 11th.
Then my schedule opens up A LOT. Aside from work that is. ;) But I have actually been planning on making my own Xmas cards to send out to family and friends since I'm too broke to buy anything. Ahh...the wonders of being an artist.

2009-12-02 [Kaimee]: That's what I've done, and it actually makes me *enjoy* writing out Christmas cards and envelopes, instead of it being yet another task... I definitely recommend it! :D

2010-09-07 [kittykittykitty]: It's open, woot:O

2010-10-03 [pegasus1000]: found it yet again. starts to watch.

2010-10-14 [~Crimson Angel~]: Can you make something on the paint program and upload it for your entry?

2010-10-14 [hanhepi]: 9. MEDIUM. All mediums, except photography, photomanipulations and animated GIFs, will be accepted.

yup! you sure can use MS Paint, or ArtRage, or GIMP, (ArtRage has a free version i think, and GIMP is free.)or Photoshop, or any of the other programs.

2010-10-14 [~Crimson Angel~]: Coolness, thanks!

2010-10-20 [Ravendust]: Bottom of the page, the link to view previous year entries... I don't think that writing is relevant to the art, the link leads to the poetry winners :-/

2010-10-20 [Lothuriel]: I think I fixed it, at least temporarily until one of the mods can put the proper link there. This way, at least everyone can easily see last year's entries. My hands are kind of tied as to what I can and can't do for the art section since I am a participant! Thanks [Ravendust] ^__^

2010-10-20 [hanhepi]: that link seems fine to me Loth. although i did add last years entry page to that wiki.

2010-10-20 [Lothuriel]: Ok. The link was for the writing only. It could have been a copy and paste error. 

2011-09-25 [~Crimson Angel~]: What does it mean be vintage?

2011-09-25 [Paul Doyle]: If you remember the 1970s, it's probably "vintage" :P

2011-09-25 [Yuriona]: Vintage means from the past in general terms. It could be from the 70s like Paul suggests or even further back. For example, you could submit an art piece of characters depicting Halloween from the Victorian era. Or maybe something on the fun side like a witch hunting for an 'antique' broom at a thrift shop. That sort of thing. :)

2011-09-25 [Triola]: But are we allowed to interpret the theme differently? Vintage can also have to do with wine, so could I, for example, draw a vampire draining blood onto wine bottles, or would that be outside the theme?

2011-09-25 [Yuriona]: LOL! Nice interpretation. I think our concept was of the past but that suggestion is pretty cool so I'd allow that. ;)

2011-09-25 [Triola]: Haha, awesome, I might just have to draw it then :D

2011-09-25 [~Crimson Angel~]: Oh, cool.

2011-09-26 [moira hawthorne]: Vintage Dracula biting sucking Edward

2011-09-26 [Alexi Ice]: Lolz. Nice.

2011-09-26 [~Crimson Angel~]: I got an inappropriate image when I read that. <img:44166_1164144921.gif>

2011-09-26 [moira hawthorne]: yeah innuendo is awesome... I can blame it all on your mind!!!!

2011-09-26 [XxTsomexX]: XD vintage hippie!!!!

2011-09-26 [Tynuka-Rhytishy]: Is it two entries per category? (2 entries in art, 2 entries in photography, 2 entries in poems) or is it 2 entries throughout the whole contest? (1 entry in photography, 1 entry in art)?

2011-09-26 [Rice]: It's 2 entries for each contest I believe. :)

2011-09-26 [Tynuka-Rhytishy]: Okay, thank you! It's what I figured. Would keep the amount of entries per person down, lol.

2011-09-26 [Rice]: Excuse me? 2 entries per a contest, the contests being art, poetry and photography. Not 2 entries per the entire contests bunched together. Or did I just misunderstand what you said?

2011-09-26 [Tynuka-Rhytishy]: I misunderstood! I'm sorry! xD Yay for more entries!

2011-10-03 [Nocturnaliss]: I'd like to enter with some old artwork, but I'm really not sure if it'd fit the theme... in my eyes it does, as it's some of my better work from 2007 XD specifically, witches in classical outfits/situations. Can I share the links so you could tell me if it's okay?

2011-10-03 [Rice]: We'll have a look, yes. :)

2011-10-03 [Nocturnaliss]:
There's two more, one left and one right, but that's the one I'd like to submit. They were made for a commissionned stained-glass-style lantern (just for kicks, picture here,;current=ThreeWitcheslightcopy.jpg , the password is 'sesame')

2011-10-03 [Tynuka-Rhytishy]: Ooooh, I love that! I hope it can be entered!

2011-10-03 [Nocturnaliss]: Thx :) guess we'll see.

2011-10-03 [Rice]: Well it's a witch and a pumpkin, both are pretty Halloween in my eyes, plus witches are old so they could be considered 'vintage', plus the style is unique. I'd say it was fine to enter. What do you think [Yuriona]? :)

2011-10-03 [Yuriona]: LOL! I guess if its an old Halloween image, it counts as being vintage Halloween in its own way too.

Still, I would rather see new work done for this particular contest than some random old stuff you hope fits the theme but as long as it was not used in another contest and is your own original work then I can't really disallow it.

disclaimer:: just because I allow this older work of art, doesn't mean I'll allow more. All entries must be YOUR work that have NOT been entered into another contest AND fit the theme. If we end up being swamped with such requests, we will have to disallow all old works and everyone will have to do new stuff. Just giving fair warning. ;)

2011-10-03 [Nocturnaliss]: If it weren't my own work, and if I were entirely sure it wouldn't fit the theme at all, I wouldn't even have tried to submit it. Don't see where you think I submitted randomly, as I do think that stained glass, if only in style, is vintage... but, okay. I don't want to be the exception that breaks the rule, so I withdraw.

2011-10-03 [Yuriona]: The disclaimer was for everyone wanting to enter so the mods don't get swamped with other members wanting to enter old stuff. It wasn't intended to be a personal thing. If you actually read what the entire comment instead of jumping to conclusions, you would have realized all I did was say as long as its yours and it is what you want to enter instead of a new drawing then it was ok. It doesn't break the rule, its just an unexpected take on the theme but was still allowable so there's no need for you to take all your toys and stomp home. :P

2011-10-03 [Tynuka-Rhytishy]: Rule 3 states that old art is allowed. They're just stating that they wish that every entry is not an old art piece. Your entry directly fits the theme and is acceptable! They're just making sure the entry is not previously submitted in another competition. I think it's a lovely piece and hope you decide to enter. Your decision is yours though. ^-^

2011-10-03 [Nocturnaliss]: I'm sorry Yuriona, but your statement above the disclaimer didn't really make it sound like you wanted to allow it at all. Plus considering the fact it isn't an old halloween image per se, I don't feel comfortable submitting it.

(PS any stomping is unintentionnal, I'm really just a hothead.)

2011-10-04 [Yuriona]: Honestly, I'd rather see a new piece drawn to suit the theme rather than an old piece that just happens to fit but its not against the rules so I can't say no. The work you are suggesting though is lovely and I'm not trying downplay your craftsmanship at all.

2011-10-04 [Nocturnaliss]: Well thanks :) y'know what, I actually got inspiration to do something new... if I manage to get to it before the deadline, I'll submit both. You actually got me thinking and, well... I think I can do much, much better.

2011-10-04 [Yuriona]: You're welcome. :) Yay! New work! I look forward to seeing what you come up with.

2011-10-19 [Goma]: Before I post it, I was wondering if this would fit the theme of "Vintage Halloween" to be honest its a broad subject
It's supposed to be the spirit of the holiday.

2011-10-19 [Yuriona]: Well we wanted to keep the theme relatively broad since making it too specific might keep some people from entering.
Question: Your drawing kinda reminds me of Jack from GaiaOnline especially with some of the 'items' he's wearing. Is it based on that?
As for fitting the theme... he does look kinda punk-ish and candy corn is as old as the hills so I think its ok.

What do you think [Rice]?

2011-10-19 [Rice]: I've never been on Gaia online, so I couldn't comment on that bit, however, I agree with the fact he looks pretty punky (the boots, the cloak etc). So I'd say it was fine.

2011-10-19 [Goma]: Actually, its based on a halloween costume I designed a couple years back. I'm just glad you guys think if fits the theme.

2011-10-19 [Rice]: It's awesome. :) I'd wear that outfit.

2011-10-19 [Goma]: Thanks :P

2011-10-26 [Lothuriel]: Just to make sure we are on target here, vintage refers to the period between the 1920's through the 1960's correct? 

2011-10-26 [Yuriona]: We're accepting any vintage really, like Victorian for example or the Dark Ages. Though I guess those are usually referred to as 'period' costumes. ^^

2011-10-26 [Lothuriel]: Ok, just checking! ^__^ I was working on something and thought I'd make 100% sure before I entered it!

2011-10-26 [Yuriona]: Thank you muchly! We'll be looking forward to seeing your entry. :D

2011-10-26 [Lothuriel]: <img:stuff/dand-gif.gif>

2012-10-09 [The Dizzy Raven]: Missed last year so I'm definitely going to try this year :D

2012-10-16 [Nevermore.]: i have a portrait ive done of david from the lost boys (best vampire ever!!) I rewatch it every halloween! and id like to enter it but im not sure it would be accepted considering its a portrait and perhaps too much refrence?

2012-10-16 [windowframe]: As long as it's not a tracing or a paint-over, referencing is usually fine, though we do ask that you could post the image you used as a reference along with your submission, so we can see that it is indeed a reference, and not a tracing. :) And since we don't actually have a rule against fan art, it should be fine. Though there should be something very obviously halloween-y in the image itself, rather than it relying on the viewer's knowledge of who the character is in order to make the halloween-connection, if that makes sense. :)

2012-10-16 [Nevermore.]: thanks! i will have a think about it anyway, might do something else if i get time =]

2012-11-01 [NOOOPE]: Is today the last day or has someone forgotten to change to contest to closed?

2012-11-01 [The Dizzy Raven]: today's the last day :) And I never had the chance to make anything again this year ;(

2012-11-01 [windowframe]: ET contests close at midnight (ET time) the date of the contest close, so it'll close at midnight tonight.

2012-11-02 [The Dizzy Raven]: kk

2013-01-03 [Chel.]: Guys... it's new years. Think we can take the poll down and put up the Christmas one?

2013-01-03 [wicked fae mage]: The Christmas competition isn't over yet. But, I think the poll has been up long enough if somebody wants to put up another poll.

2013-10-23 [~Crimson Angel~]: So we can do anything as long as it pertains to Halloween? Like can we include Slenderman in the drawing?

2013-10-23 [Lord Josmar]: I believe that is "legal" as long as you are not copying someone else's work.

2013-10-23 [~Crimson Angel~]: Cool. :D

2013-10-24 [wicked fae mage]: You're allowed to do fan art as [Lord Josmar] explained, but if you do any major referencing from a specific picture, you'll need to include it as stated in the rules. :)

2013-10-24 [~Crimson Angel~]: Ok.

2013-10-29 [The Dizzy Raven]: Fun fun :) Maybe I might enter this time. It's been forever. Hopefully, I have time

2013-11-05 [XxTsomexX]: Ive got my rough sketch done. Gonna finish it after work tomorrow. I havent drawn anything in months and im wicked happy with it :)

2013-11-05 [The Dizzy Raven]: Awesome :D

Mine might be last minute and right before the deadline. Ha
I've got to finish commissions first

2013-11-05 [Lord Josmar]: Right before the deadline is still early enough. Can't wait to see the great entries.

2013-11-05 [The Dizzy Raven]: Thank you, Josmar :)
I've already got plans for what I would like to do

2013-11-10 [XxTsomexX]: Why is access denied to the page?

2013-11-10 [wicked fae mage]: Sorry, fixed.

2013-11-10 [XxTsomexX]: Its ok :) Thank you

2013-11-10 [The Dizzy Raven]: -_-.... i misread the deadline... phooie... I'll have to wait for next year

2014-10-19 [ancienteye]: ...I reference to get pant folds and shoes right. Should I put those references up?

2014-10-19 [Nioniel]: I wouldn't think you'd need to, especially if you're not tracing directly over them. :3

2014-10-19 [ancienteye]: I trace the shoes and the pant shape. >__> I change the folds and leg length if to make it look better, but...I dunno, do you think they're too close?

Pic (not finished!):




2014-10-19 [Nioniel]: I think that you've changed enough, despite tracing for the shape and placement, for the artwork to be your own. Looks like it's going to be a cool entry!

2014-10-19 [ancienteye]: Thanks. XP

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